FDMEE Performance
tuning Guide
This tips are applicable to or higher version
ODI (Oracle Data integrator) setting
Configure JVM Tuning for ERPI (FDMEE)
The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) allocates and manages the
heap memory based on how much each Java application needs. When a Java
application is running, the systematic usage and release of heap memory is
managed through a “garbage collector”.
The two settings to change for heap memory are:
-Xms - the minimum
size of the heap
-Xmx - the maximum
size of the heap
VM Heap Registry Settings in
Windows Server
Open the Windows Registry.
Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hyperion Solutions\ErpIntegrator(n)\HyS9aifWeb_epmsystem(n)
Where ErpIntegrator(n)
(ErpIntegrator0, ErpIntegrator1, depending on
how many FDMEE web servers are deployed and which server you are updating.
Locate the two JVMOptions –Xms and –Xmx (Data Type is REG_SZ).
Double click the option to change. (For example,
In the Value Data, change the numerical value of
–Xms2064m to the new value,
Repeat this step for the –Xmx value.
Restart the HyS9aifWeb service.
Note: -Xms and –Xmx
values should be set to the same number
To change the JVM heap entries for
Linux do the following:
1. Edit this file: /user_projects/epmsystemx/bin/deploymentScripts/setCustomParamsErpIntegrator.sh.
2. Find the section JAVA_OPTS=”-Xms512m
3. Change the numerical values to
the new desired heap memory value, save the changes.
4. Restart the “Oracle Hyperion FDM
Enterprise Edition - Java Web App” service.
Increase the default number of data
sources. WebLogic data sources are the number of pooled connections made
available to FDMEE for a JDBC (database) data source.
If your application runs out of WebLogic data sources you
might see in your log file, “ResourceLimitException”, or “Reached maximum
capacity of pool”.
To start Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console:
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle
WebLogic, then User Projects, then EPMSystem, and then Start Admin Server for
WebLogic Server Domain.
When the Admin Server displays “RUNNING”,
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle
WebLogic, then User Projects, then EPMSystem, and then Admin Server Console.
Login to WebLogic Server Administration Console
with the credentials used during the system configuration
From Domain Structure, select Services, and then
Data Sources.
Select either aif_datasource or
odiMasterRepository by selecting the hyperlink in the Name column.
Select the Configuration tab and then the
Connection Pool tab
Click Lock & Edit button to modify the
“Maximum Capacity” setting.
In Maximum Capacity, type the new value for the
data source connections.
Once the setting is changed, click Save. Repeat
steps four through eight to change the odiMasterRepository data source
connection pool.
Specify the number of rows
read at a time from the file to memory. This parameter is mainly used for
Batch Size Batch Size refers to the number of import records
that are “batched up” before a commit occurs on the database.
The “Batch Size” parameter is set at the system level.
Default setting for “Batch Size” is 1000.
This setting is changed by selecting Data Management, then
on the Setup tab, select Configure, System Settings. On the System Settings
screen, type the new value in the Batch Size field and click Save.
Smaller imports, such as < 10,000 records, would suffice
to use the default batch size. If you
have < 100000 records , keep the batch size setting as 10000.
Note: A setting
too large or too small can have adverse performance effects.
4Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)
ODI has three significant tuning components to explore if
you are having problems loading large data sets.
Batch Update Size (These can be found in “Topology” tab of ODI
Studio in the Physical Architecture section for your data server.
Maximum number of sessions (The Maximum number of sessions setting is
found under the agent.
Array Fetch Size and Batch Update Size is “100” for better performance, low memory and CPU
Open ODI Studio and connect to FDMEE repositories
Go to Physical architecture à Technologies à Oracle à Data Server ( EBS_DATA_SERVER or FDMEE_DATA_SERVER)
The “Maximum number of sessions” value depends on the
capabilities of the machine running the agent. Oracle Data Integrator allows
you to load balance parallel session execution between physical agents. Each
agent has a maximum number of sessions it can execute simultaneously from a
work repository.
The default value for Maximum number of sessions is 1000